Hello, people...this is Canada. Not Germany! And for all those out there that instantly chime in with, "Well, some homeschoolers may need more socialization", Seriously?! And that's the governments job to determine? Do they do that with institutionalized learning, as well? Because I know a LOT of them that need much better social skills! Can anyone successfully argue that point? I digress...
And before reading the article, please note that ALL false charges of neglect were DROPPED and these kids were still forced out of their home (even the 3 year old that MUST be placed in day care now...for all you stay at homes moms who aren't considering homeschooling, this should scare the pants right off of you!!!!!) and into government run schools in Canada. Just WOW...
And one more thing: I am not a proponent of the HSLDA. I'm not a member, nor ever intend to be. But, in this case, they have a point. Please, I'm begging you...wake up to what is happening in our educational system whether you homeschool or not. Actually, if you DON'T homeschool, this should worry you much more so than if you do. The government just forced a family to send their kids to daycare and public school for "socialization". Abject stupidity is much too kind...
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