Saturday, November 19, 2011

Brain Dead...

I haven't been ignoring you...really.  I've just been a little brain dead lately.  I'll sit down to type and the only thing that comes to mind is how much I have going on and how very little I have to say about it.  So, I thought I'd give you a top 10 things I'm thankful for right this minute in honor of Thanksgiving coming up this week.  Here goes:

10.  The view from my little office window.  The leaves are the most spectacular colors you can imagine.  There's this one oak tree that is bright orange.  LOVE IT!

 9.   Cold autumn nights.  Summers are so stinkin' hot around here that it's a big fat relief when we have a true autumn and we definitely had one this year.  This is probably the best fall we've had in about 10 years.

8.   The TV channel that just started playing Christmas music all day.  I leave it on and can just barely hear it while I'm teaching or working.  It's awesome to start getting in the Christmas spirit early.  I love Christmas and I would probably be happy to play Christmas music 2 months early.  I know some people hate that, but I'm not one of 'em!  ...grin...

7.  Our fireplace on the deck.  I love the smell of it, the look of it and the feel of it.  It makes me happy.

6.  Sweet potato pie.  Sounds really simple, right?  You haven't tasted my momma's sweet potato pie that she makes every Thanksgiving.  You'd be thankful, too!

5. That all four of my babies are happy, healthy and home.  They make me happy.

4.  That my momma's ultrasound she had last week came back negative on the return of her colon cancer.  THANK YOU, LORD!!!  (to the 100th power!!!!)

3.  That my Daddy was there to hold her hand while she heard the news.

2.  That my parents have been married for 57 years and still have one another and still love one another. Such a huge blessing...

1.  That my man really supported me during the three days leading up to finding out about my mom.  It was probably three of the hardest days I've had to face in a while. She's still got some tests to go, but I'm believing for great things. 

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!  Anything you're really thankful for right now?  

1 comment:

  1. Praise God for your mother!!! YAY!!!

    It is still in the 80's here in Corpus- I so wish we had multi-colored leaves!!!!!!
