Our beloved Isac |
This is our precious child that we have sponsored through Compassion International Ministries. Isac has been in our lives for almost a year and I'm so excited to finally introduce him to you guys! I can't begin to describe how much Compassion has blessed and enriched our lives. They tell us that Isac is excited to receive our letters and learn about us, but when we receive his handwritten letters, you'd think it was Christmas morning around here. No really, I literally jump up and down while I'm opening it! ...grin...
Isac is from Rwanda and is 17 years old. He is currently studying to take his secondary in Rwanda. Since less than 50% of those that test for their secondary are actually accepted, we're praying hard for Isac around here! Based on his letters, this is very important to him, and we're believing big things for him. He also draws us pictures when he sends his letters...his are right there on the fridge with the other fours accomplishments! As a side note: Why is the fridge our choice for displaying these things?! Anyone have a clue when that started?
Rwanda has so much turmoil and poverty, but Isac tells us that he's loving his community center and that he is learning so much about Christ from Compassion workers. More than that, he knows that someone else cares enough to make sure that he, and his family of 6, don't go hungry.
The Word tells us that religion our Father accepts as pure and blameless is this...to care for orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (James 1:27) God tells us flat out that THIS is the religion that HE accepts. To care for those that cannot care for themselves. I'm not going to lay a sermon on you, but I am going to tell you that this organization has blessed us far more than we've blessed them! I can't tell you how my heart softens every time I get the opportunity to interact with Isac. I don't know of another organization like Compassion, so if you've been looking for a way to help someone else, why don't you think of checking it out. It's been a real blessing to us.
You can just click on that Compassion banner at the side of my blog if you'd like to learn more...
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